Deck DDD TCG Post Code of the Duelist Format Link (Julio /July 2017) Duel Entertainment 11:54 akaba reiji , code of the duelist , D/D/D , DDD , ddd pendulum , Deck Profile , FORMAT LINK DECK , TCG , Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V , YU-GI-OH! VRAINS Edit Ladies and Gentlemen! Lo que muchos pedian Deck DDD TCG Post Code of the Duelist :D, Me demore por que he trabajado en dos versiones mas pensando en la economia en estos dias subo las otras versiones ;). Deck Deck DDD TCG Post Code of the Duelist Format Link:Link: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus About Duel Entertainment RELATED POSTS Deck Magician Supreme King Z-Arc / ...Deck Magician Pendulum/Format Link ...[CP17] Amazoness Spy Deck DDD TCG Post Code of the Duelist Format Link (Julio /July 2017) Reviewed by Duel Entertainment on 11:54 Rating: 5
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